Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Is it over yet?

Day #275-
   It's been awhile, I know! Life has just been really busy. We were also in Huntington Beach and the LA area visiting dear friends of ours between summer and fall semesters. I got a week off! I started back to school full time on Monday and Chloe starts Pre school too! I think it was harder for me to drop her off than her. I'm still finding myself looking down to make sure shes still beside me and catching myself asking her questions. I'll be known as the local crazy lady here pretty soon!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Interview date!!!!

Day #257-
   Yesterday I was putting Chloe down for a nap and had my phone on silent. She finally fell asleep and I checked my phone. Our lawyer had called and left a voicemail. My heart stopped. No breath was flowing. Our lawyer never calls, he always emails. I dial my voicemail as quick as one could and impatiently wait for his message to start.