Saturday, August 4, 2012

Interview date!!!!

Day #257-
   Yesterday I was putting Chloe down for a nap and had my phone on silent. She finally fell asleep and I checked my phone. Our lawyer had called and left a voicemail. My heart stopped. No breath was flowing. Our lawyer never calls, he always emails. I dial my voicemail as quick as one could and impatiently wait for his message to start. I hear "Hey Candance. You'll probably get my email before listening to this, but you got your interview date!!" I almost dropped the phone! I instantly started doing the happy dance, as quietly as possible, of course. Don't want to wake sleeping Chloe!

   My Mom was home, so I burst into her room and quietly yelled the good news. I spun around and called Gary who played a trick on me. He could hear the excitement in my voice when I said hello and said "oh, I already know." I said "WHAT?! HOW?" He said "Oh yeah, that I have my interview date in October." In this really calm voice. I yelled "HOW DID YOU KNOW?" And he said "Oh, a friend saw it on facebook." Then I realized he said October and was playing a trick on me! He started laughing and then started showing his excitement. It was pretty funny. BUT GARY GOT HIS INTERVIEW DATE!! YYAAYYYY!! It's scheduled for September 4. Apparently, the NVC always has to give you a months notice, as a medical exam is required before the interview. How much is a medical exam, you may ask? 320 Euro!! Yup! More money to pull from our lovely money tree growing in the back. Then we get to pay the $585 waiver fee and then, the best buy yet, his plane ticket back to us :). That one I don't mind paying, not one bit. Though, we'll have to buy it last minute. So who knows how much it will be! Luckily, it won't be during the summer.

   On Thursday I went in and met with our lawyer. I was there for over two hours working on the waiver with him and we still didn't finish it. But I'm so grateful for his help and efforts. It's such a relief to have help and talk to someone who actually knows whats going on. Unlike Immigration themselves! He emailed me the waiver, so I have to add in some more bits, here and there.

   I'm also working on getting letters from friends and family, finding my diploma from San Francisco State, and trying to get a Psy evaluation that we can actually afford. I have a doctors appointment on Thursday, so I'm going to see what the Doc says about it. My Professor also suggested looking in Santa Barbara County, since its bigger and, therefore, has more competition. She was disgusted with the $750 I was quoted.

   Chloe's potty training is coming along great. She is asking for Daddy more and more each day. She yells "GUYS! WE NEED A BIG PLANE SO WE CAN GET TO DADDY!" It's really cute. Today we went to our cousins birthday party. The bouncy house, cotton candy and hot dogs put a smile on her face. And Mickey Mouse even showed up! HELLO! Dream come true!

  One problem I'm facing not having Gary here is my schedule. My classes don't end until 520 pm and I have to pick up Chloe by 530 pm. It's a 25 minute drive from my school to her pre school. So I'm trying to see what I can do about that. I'm hoping I can find someone to help us out until Gary gets here. Then I, maybe, take night classes!! OK, gotta get this babe in bed.
Candance & Chloe


  1. Congratulations on the interview date I hope all goes we'll for you guys. We're hoping to get our case closed next week and have an interview by October. I'm sending positive interview and waiver energy your way.

    1. Thank you! Good luck to you guys too! I'm secretly hoping they'll overlook his overstay and say heres your visa! Oh how nice that'd be :). In the meantime we're putting together this 601 waiver. Its a beast! Keep me posted on your developments!
