Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Theres no turning back now

Day #134
  I don't even know where to begin. The last couple of days have been pure hell regarding my husbands Immigration. I am so beat up and tired from the hoops Ive jumped, the people Ive talked to, the work I've put into everything, that Im close to collasping.

  But I cant stop now! I found out a couple of days ago we were denied the severe financial hardship expedite. I received an email saying we don't meet the requirements and that our case will not be expedited. It will stay in the order it came in on. That was very discouraging. I called today to apply under another reason and was told I cant reapply for another 30 days. More discouraging news. I also became a member of visajourney.com and was bulldozed by a member on there stating that my husband will be denied entry due to his overstay. He went on to call me clueless and various other names. He ridiculed me for filing the I-129F form, which is used to bring a spouse over quicker, so that that will only delay my case. He was really rude and I, sadly, allowed him to upset me. I asked him to stop responding to any of my posts and I haven't heard from him since. He has no experience with someone overstaying and is not an Immigration Officer or Lawyer, so I dont know why he thinks its ok to give people information like this.

  I later talked to an Immigration Lawyer and a Tier 2 employee over the 1800 number and was told the I-129F will not delay our case. I have contacted many Immigration Lawyers over the past several months, but none as cruel as the one I spoke with yesterday. I just went along with him and tried to not take anything he said personally. He told me by going to LA to speak to an Immigration Officer at the Immigration office in LA was a big mistake. He said the Officers there will give you invalid information in order to keep Immigrants out. I told him the Immigration Officer said my husbands overstaying should be forgiven due to certain circumstance and the lawyer said they just give random, bad information.

  I am going to try to keep the faith and believe that his overstaying will be forgiven. Though, in the meantime, I am collecting documents for the waiver we might have to complete if they deny my husband entry. This is the I-601 form and is basically a waiver asking for Immigration to forgive my husband for overstaying. Even though we were filing the papers when he was here last and he left on his on accord. He has no criminal history and left the US because he didn't want to be an illegal working under the table, as many do here.

  We left, thinking we'd be honest and go back to save money for the high Immigration fees. According to many people, we should have stayed. People are forgiven for overstaying if they dont leave the country, Im told. This makes no sense to me.

The other kicker is we won't know if he is forgiven or if he'll be denied and asked to do the waiver until he is at the actual interview. We have to wait for all of the processing and an Interview to be set to find out. My husband has to travel four hours, get a medical by an approved doctor and go to this Interview to find out. We have no idea how long this could take. I don't understand why we cant file the waiver now so no ones time is wasted. Its a very frustrating situation and they certainly don't make it easy. I've been on the phone with doctors today getting documents stating we are patients to help with the case.

  I have eight reasons for him overstaying and/or why my daughter and I can't go back to Ireland. I do this all day, every day with a two year old running wild. By the end of the day I'm so stressed I have to take melatonin to help me sleep. The whole process is really wearing on me. But more so, Im missing my husband and wanting him to be here so badly. Its not just a horrible waiting game, but also a guessing game, as its impossible to get a straight answer from anyone. Everyone tells me something different and that I'm stupid and clueless for doing something another way. But onward and upward! Chin up! To be continued...
Candance & Chloe

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