Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fired up

Day # 215 -
   I've been posting on and about our lost petitions and have been given been told something very infuriating news. Many, MANY people on there are posting about their petitions being lost, as well.
 Though some are posting that their petitions were received and processed within 2 weeks. I've had a few people tell me, that, once you've gone past the 30 days and they haven't processed your petition(s), you may have to file a form called an I-824. Let me just tell you what this form is. You can find the full instructions at if you want to read more and go on a rampage, like I'm about to do. Here is the description of the I-824 -
   You must use form I-824 to request U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to provide further action on a previously approved petition or application.
   In other words, we lost your petition, so you must submit, yet, ANOTHER form and wait for its "processing time" so we can send another copy over to the National Visa Center. The processing time is meant to be very long, from what I've been told.

   But heres the kicker, are you ready for this? This form costs $405!!!! Yes, you must pay Immigration $405 for losing your petition! You must pay $405 for them messing up and not doing their job correctly. And, not only do you have to pay them for their mess up, you must also wait for a number of months just for this "action"to take place. I was warned to not submit this form unless I'm absolutely desperate, as the processing time is a very long wait. But I'm so eager to pay the idiots for losing our petition! We have a money tree outback, so we'll just go out and pick some more bills of the ol' tree. Not a bother!

   I'm hoping, praying, dancing, screaming, whatever I have to do, that we don't have to file this form. I will go into a psychotic episode if this must be done. I won't go down without a fight. Every single employee of Immigration and the National Visa Center will know and hear about it. Heres to calling them on a daily basis asking where our petition is and why they can't locate it. Looks like my phone and I will be having many dances to the lovely hold music they play for an hour. The battle has hit an all time high.
Over & out,
Candance & Chloe

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