Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Case closed!

Day #253-
   Great news! Our case at the National Visa Center is FINALLY closed! I called yesterday, as I kept receiving emails requesting one of the tax information forms that I had sent out weeks ago. After waiting on hold for only 15 minutes, I was informed that our case has been closed!

   This means we just have to wait for the US Embassy in Dublin, Ireland to notify the National Visa Center of an available interview appointment date! From what I've read, the Dublin office isn't very busy. So I'm hoping for a notification of an appointment here any time now! The only kicker is, we'll be notified a month in advance. So once we have an appointment, it won't be for another month. More time to wait. Once Gary received his interview appointment, he'll be required to receive a medical examination in Dublin, about four hours away from where he lives. I'm not sure how much this will cost, at the moment, but its not cheap! Nothing is, when it comes to Immigration...

   I was hoping I could just sit back and wait. But oh no, no, no, no. We now must really get to town with this I-601 waiver for his 234 days of overstay in the US. THANK GOD we have an attorney helping us out. I'm meeting with him on Thursday to fill out and sign more forms and start getting this waiver together. Luckily, I've acquired most of the documents needed from Doctors. I only have a few more of my Dads medical records to get and one for myself, when my C section incision was infected. The two weeks of my life where Gary had to stuff my incision with gauze twice a day! I was way more grossed out than he was.

   I'm also trying to get a psychological evaluation for myself and Chloe, proving that we are suffering from Gary's absence. How that isn't obvious, I don't know. I was recommended to the Community Health Center, but they just keep giving me the run around. I just got off the phone with a Clinical Psychologist...her fees are $750! And it's not covered by Insurance, as most things pertaining to your mental health aren't. I'm still trying to find a way to make this happen, as it will strengthen our case. I'm also asking friends and family to write letters stating how Chloe and I have been impacted by the separation.

   We met with Hope Hanselman from our local News station, KSBY. She interviewed us for about an hour! She wants to get some footage of us all skyping. So we'll be meeting again soon. It'll be really exciting to see us on the news! Maybe Ellen and Oprah will be calling next!
   I started Counseling last week. After just one session, I was given so much insight! I felt so much better after leaving. I'm, obviously, still struggling with not having my husband here and coping with my Grandmas passing. But it's so helpful and soothing to speak to a professional. I'm excited for my next session.

   We've also been on the pre school hunt. It's been pretty intense! But we finally found a place both Chloe and I love! We're dropping off the forms once Chloe is up from her nap. It's very sad, however, to be doing this without Gary. It's a huge decision to make, especially on your own. I really wish Gary was here to help me decide which pre school is best for our daughter. I told him about it last night and sent him the link. He trusts my judgement and we agree on which school we think is best for Chloe.

   We're also in the main stages of potty training! Fun, fun, I know! Chloe has been showing interest off and on since she was 18 months. She actually used the potty for the first time on my previous birthday! But over the past few days shes been using the toilet regularly. And by toilet, I mean our toilet with her little seat on it. She wants to be just like us and used the toilet, not her little potty. Shes been like this since day one! A lot like her mommy, in many ways. She really had no choice. Both of her parents are incredibly stubborn, so there was no way around it!

   Gary asks, every day, about her progress. He asks her if shes been using the toilet and tells her what a big girl she is and how proud he is of her. He was, after all, the one who bought her her first potty in Ireland. He's always been so good at teaching her and moving her along. He was DEDICATED to getting her to crawl and walk! He never gave up! And its because of him, that she was walking at 10 months! So its sad for him to not be here encouraging her and giving her stickers for a job well done.

   These past eight months have been very stressful and trying. But I'm moving along and have actually been able to sleep over the past week without a sleep aid. That's actually really exciting to me! I'm trying to accept what is going on and keep faith that Gary will be home soon. We still have no time frame of when he'll get his interview or how long the processing time is for the waiver. But, thanks to all of your positive words, I'm a little bit more at peace.
Candance & Chloe


  1. Congrats regarding NVC. You will be soon reunited with your husband. Praying for you.

    1. Thank you Sandra! And thank you, so much, for all of your help along the way! You've really been there for me and answered so many questions Immigration wouldn't answer. You've been an angel!
