Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fighting stress

Day # 192 -
   Great news! Tomorrow I'm meeting with Cynthia Lambert from the Tribune, our local newspaper. She's doing a story on our Immigration process, the ins and outs. I'm over the moon excited! Not only will our story get out there but it may also help someone who is going into the process and completely confused and overwhelmed.
   It also might change some of the policies that are in place now, that seem to only make things more complicated and long. Such as, not being able to submit the I-130 and the I-601 and/or I-212 waiver concurrently. You can find information about these forms and waivers at
These are waivers filed for overstaying, getting deported and/or having a criminal record. These must be filed once you are denied your visa during your interview.

   At the moment, I am filing out the I-864 form. This is the Affidavit of Support form in which you list your income for the past three years. This is to show you can afford to have your relative here if he/she cannot find a job right away. You are allowed a sponsor if you do not meet their income requirements. All I can say is, the whole form is quite confusing! Luckily I've had those on and helping me out with questions. Thank God for these sites! If they weren't around, I'd be so lost.

  I also wanted to add some stress relievers into this blog. Going through this Immigration process has been a nightmare. But I am also grieving for the loss of my grandma and it hasn't been easy. I know there are many people out there who are going through a lot right now and just need a way to let go, to breathe. So here are some of the things I've been doing for stress relievers -

1. Yoga. I used to do yoga years ago and loved it. Over the past few weeks I've gotten back into it and wish I never stopped! It doesn't have to be an overly challenging class. Just being in a peaceful environment where you're reminded to breathe and move your body along in a fluid motion is so helpful. You leave the class feeling so rejuvenated.

2. Music. Listen to your favorite music, dance around, if you can! Sing along, let go! Watch Ellen and dance around with her! I listen to Pearl Jam nonstop in my car and when I have time at home. Find that band or composer that makes you feel better and uplifted. You'd be amazed at how much better you feel.

3. Exercise. Run, go on a walk, take a class, lift some weights. Anything to get your body moving. Many of times, when we're feeling down, we focus too much on our negative feelings. When you move your body, your mind is taken off of the overwhelming thoughts. Its like you're giving your brain a vacation from the stressful thoughts. Plus, its a great feeling when those endorphins move on in!

4. Talk. Even if its just to yourself! Well, maybe not so much in public. You might be ran out of a place for looking a bit looney! Call up a friend, a family member, pull up some concrete and chat with your dog or cat or local lizard. Getting things off our chests, just saying them out loud, really helps in feeling better. Sometimes it just takes hearing your thoughts out loud to put things in prospective.

5. Escape. Find that quiet place, even if its just in your room. Try to clear your mind. I've tried meditating for years and can't seem to do it. It's very difficult for most of us. But I think it's because I have this expected situation in my head of what meditation is supposed to be all about. Now I'm just trying to take deep breaths, focus on my breathing and the release of negative energy. It might sound cheesy to some, but it does actually work! And sometimes, just sitting in a quiet room, even if your thoughts are still running, is very soothing. Too many times we surround ourselves with unnecessary noises. Many, of which, we don't even notice.

  I hope this blog has been helpful to someone, somewhere out there! There has been some good news on the Immigration front. Currently, all waivers are being processed in other Countries. For example, our waiver was going to be sent to London to be processed. London is assigned a certain amount of Countries and they have ONE person at the Consulate who processes these waives. Some Countries, like Mexico, are way behind and have a very long waiting period.

  We had the disadvantage of having the London office. I was told by every single person who knew anything about the London Consulate that it is the hardest office to have your waiver approved. They are very strict and deny you very easily. Last night it was confirmed. All waivers, starting June 4, 2012, will now be sent to the lockbox in Phoenix, AZ. Waivers will not be adjudicated in other Countries after June 4, 2012. The huge benefit of this is that there will be a lot more, I think I read 14, adjudicators processing the waivers! They are hoping this will bring the processing times down significantly. I certainly hope so! The only down fall for us is, we are now at their will and mercy. We are the guinea pigs! But fingers crossed the process will be sped up. And I'm still working on that the meantime.
Candance & Chloe


  1. We exchanged messages on VJ. Here's hoping you sail through the waiver process quickly.

    1. Thank you! And thank you for reading our blog. If anything, we can get some laws changed to help those in the future.
